Applying for a tree removal permit in Kingston council
When you're dealing with plants and smaller trees, you usually don't need a tree removal permit. There is one instance, however, where you will need to obtain a tree removal permit in Kingston. That is, if you plan to remove, prune or undertake works on any tree (including multi-stemmed trees) with a trunk circumference of 110cm or more measured at ground level.
If your property has been built under a planning permit, there are likely requirements for vegetation protection under that permit. You will need to request a copy of planning permit history before lodging any tree removal application in Kingston.
Hire a tree professional
Our experienced team of tree specialists can help organise the right tree permits before works commence so you can avoid fines and legal repercussions. We provide arborists reports, tree services and are fully insured with public liability insurance. And letting the professionals take care of dealing with the council isn't just safer; it also means you won't have to navigate the confusing an annoying bureaucracy.